AAV Innovation Center, a New Member of dnaunion Family
AAV Innovation Center, the new member of the dnaunion family, was inaugurated in the presence of Hessam Zand Hessami, Director General of the Innovation and New Businesses Office of the Vice President for Science and Technology and senior managers of the group. The opening of the AAV Innovation Center was accompanied by a news conference and presence of reporters and senior executive directors of the Center.
The dnaunion group, one of the pioneers in the industry of marketing management services, marketing communications and market research in Iran, in pursuit of its mission, namely “developing business through development of marketing industry” has embarked on the opening of the “AAV Innovation Center”. On the occasion of the inauguration of the AAV Innovation Center, a news conference was held on January 20, with the participation of reporters from different media.
At the press conference, Nasser Pashapour Nikoo, holder of the Medal of Excellence of entrepreneurs’ leaders and Managing Director of the dnaunion group; Fereydoun Korangi, Managing Director of the Accelerator MAPS Center (the strategic business partner of AAV Innovation Center)); and Shayan Shallileh, advisor to the Board of Directors of the dnaunion were present and answered questions posed by reporters.
Pashapour Nikoo said: “The AAV Innovation Center, as a new member of the dnaunion family, with an emphasis on innovation, is trying to create and utilize the future generation of marketing services with the help of technology-centered and innovative people.”
He further remarked: “Nearly two years ago, we launched the idea of the AAV Innovation Center on a probation basis for one of the customers of the dnaunion group. The AAV Innovation Center has been launched with an aim of transferring a new generation of services in the advertising, marketing and market research services to the businesses. In the AAV Innovation Center, we pursue three goals. One: Promotion of services of advertising and market research agencies active in the dnaunion group. Two: Helping startups active in Adtech, Martech, Market Research whose access to the customers and businesses is difficult; an assistance that would bring them to profitmaking. Three: Preparedness to present up-to-date services to the customers who desire to receive better services and transfer it to the next generation within their field of activity.”
Pashapour continued: “The approach used at the AAV Innovation Center will make customers take an effective step in development of their businesses by using innovative technology. Therefore, if one day the future of the marketing industry and advertising depended on creativity, today this future depends on innovation. At the AAV Innovation Center we are not just looking for modifying the ecosystem of the startups. Rather, we intend to help companies active in the field of marketing and advertising. Through the AAV Innovation Center we are trying to establish the next generation of marketing and advertising companies.”
Pashapour Nikoo, speaking about the reasons for the opening of the AAV Innovation Center under the present economic conditions, said: “Iran’s market has become smaller and big competitors have been eliminated from it. Such conditions provide space for the new activities. On the other hand, according to the prevailing conditions, the thoughtful are also available. Of course, under the present economic situation, many foreign competitors are still doubtful about making investment in Iran. But we are living in Iran and the present economic conditions have created many opportunities. Maybe you have noticed that some of the Iranian brands have been thinking of expanding their business as soon as foreign competitors have left Iran. So, if the market is supposedly smaller by 30%, then 70% remains, and the Iranian businesses should produce and supply more than their current products. Accordingly, the present market has the conditions for investment and such an investment will also have its own risks. The risks that already existed, but the investment of foreign brands have made them more risky.”
On the day of the opening of the AAV Innovation Center, the managing director of the dnaunion group referred to the cooperation with the MAPS Accelerator Center, and said: “An agreement has been reached between the AAV Innovation Center and the MAPS Accelerator Center. Under the agreement, the AAV Innovation Center will support the active startups in the field of marketing present in the MAPS Accelerator Center and the MAPS will also support the AAV Innovation Center in the field of technology.”
Pashapour Nikoo, in conclusion, said: “The idea of supporting new businesses and their growth within major companies has been applied in the dnaunion group since 1991 and nearly 16 times the idea has been repeated. We will take advantage of the experience of such a function to further advance the objectives of the AAV Innovation Center. On the one hand, big companies and brands have trust in the dnaunion group for the history of its activity. Because they have had a lot of positive experiences with the group. Such a credit will help the startups to accept businesses. On the other hand, due to the method of activity, the group has a deep understanding of the ultimate consumer’s perspective. As a result, the startups can also be helped from this angle in order to provide better services to the market. Services that quickly meet the needs of consumers and brands. Such benefits differentiate the AAV Innovation Center from other centers.”
He also noted: “Altogether, with the opening of the AAV Innovation Center, we are trying to gain access to the next generation of marketing services. We are trying to upgrade the chain value that the marketing firms, market research and advertising create for other businesses. Also, the consultants present at the AAV Innovation Center are all innovative people with experience in their field of activity. Those who, with brilliant experience in the field of technology, intend to present their achievements to the active businesses in the Iranian market. The businesses that need technology to make more profit and communicate better with the audiences. Because the lives of today customers and consumers are tied to technology and separation from it is impossible for them.”
Fereydoun Korangi, Managing Director of the Accelerated MAPS Center was another speaker at the press conference held for the opening of the AAV Innovation Center. He said: “For nearly three years we have been discussing and exchanging views on creating sparks of innovation and creativity in various sectors of the ecosystem technology and ecosystem business. The AAV Innovation Center is the result of the successive meetings we have had in this field.”
Korangi added: “When we talk about an ecosystem, several models are raised. In the models that are common in Iran, a number of factors come together, factors that are forced to have interaction with each other. This model is not effective in the long run. Once the model would come to the conclusion that the customer exists to use the startup service. The AAV Innovation Center has access to the customer and this is a great potential. All the active ecosystems in Iran and abroad seek to reach the customers. There should be customers who use innovation. The AAV Innovation Center has access to these customers, and this differentiates it from other centers. Therefore, the customers make innovation and creativity of the AAV Innovation Center to be employed in order to solve their problems. The opening of the AAV Innovation Center is the first step of this important task. Depending on its history, the dnaunion group creates a clear channel between the AAV Innovation Center and the business community. In this case, the youth enter the field with open eyes and work at the AAV Innovation Center without the concern for finding the customer.”
In conclusion, Korangi said: “Those who have planted wheat and gained an immediate profit have not built the country, those who have planted walnuts and were after long-term investment, have built the country and developed it. Nowadays, there is a good opportunity for investment in the accelerating centers, as many Iranian businesses have realized that they could use the chain value of the Iranian services.”
Shayan Shallileh, advisor to the Board of Directors of the dnaunion group was another speaker of the press conference on the opening of the AAV Innovation Center who said: “There are many accelerator centers active in Iran. Many of these public centers monitor the entire industry and present public services. Typically, the mentors present in these centers do not have the expertise of a market area, but it is very important to set up a specialized center by a group that has years of experience in the field of marketing and are absolutely familiar with this area. In this center, young and creative people can be placed next to the experienced people and offer better services to the market. This is the most important difference between the AAV Innovation Center and other active innovation centers in Iran that are generally operational.”
“The AAV Innovation Center helps advertising and marketing have a strong connection with the product of the customers. Keep in mind that most businesses are in the process of developing and introducing a product, therefore the deeper the communication with the customer, the better the startups will function. The AAV Innovation Center due to the extensive communication with the customers and businesses can create a product that reaches out to much audience. An instance that has not happened in other centers and startups have to define a new path in cooperation with each customer.”
Shallileh concluded by saying: “At the moment, the two teams have been stationed in the AAV Innovation Center and started their activities. In the same vein, several other teams are under review and soon grounds will be prepared for cooperation with them. In this regard, it can be said that nearly 70 startups related to the function of AAV Innovation Center have been screened at the Elecomp Expo.
It must be noted: Individuals by having only creative and innovative ideas in the Adtech, Martech, and Market Research areas even without a team can use services of the AAV Innovative Center. The opening of the AAV Innovation Center is the beginning of a way that people can refer to and share with us their innovative ideas. Of course, the AAV Innovation Center is trying to discover and support creative ideas by attending the startup weekends and universities. The ideas should relate to the field of marketing, advertising and market research. Another important point to note is the workspace of the AAV Innovation Center. The workspace is not limited to a company from the group and all the active companies in the dnaunion have the possibility to be the space for the owners of the ideas. Innovative people with ideas due to the scope of the communications of the AAV Innovation Center with the groups of customers and extensive businesses can choose them. A center which is connected to a group of specialists and for the improvement of the business services will play an important role.”
At the end of the news conference held on the occasion of the opening of the AAV Innovation Center, services provided by the center were listed as follows.
One: Investing in innovative and creative startups with a technology approach in the areas of marketing, advertising and market research.
Two: Definition of new services with the technology and innovation approach after identifying business needs.
Three: Offering consultation to the customers and brand owners in the employment of new technology and innovation techniques.
Four: Helping customers and brand owners to apply the new technologies in the deep understanding of consumer needs.
Five: Offering advice in the field of transfer of present services to the future generation of services.
Six: Holding appropriate events in the field of activity. Such events will render great help to the activists for the establishment of better communication.
The opening of the AAV Innovation Center in line with the realization of the aspirations of the dnaunion family is a major step that will be completed with the next steps.