A Review of Latest Marketing Concerns at ODT
The digital age has influenced the country’s marketing and advertising industry and many Iranian brands tend to launch new digital activities. This important issue prompted the dnaunion group to focus its newest ODT (Occupational dnaunion Tour) program on digital issues and their impact on the marketing and advertising industry.
University graduates and students from various disciplines such as MBA and management were present in this program. Some of the participants were from among the country’s marketing veterans and others were newcomers and university students who looked for their occupational future in the field of marketing./OR/who tried to sketch their occupational future in the marketing field.
This participants’ makeup made the program more appealing, as a result of which various topics and questions were raised and answered by the group members.
The program included different sections. In the first section, key issues in the field of market research and their impact on the correct movement of brands in the digital age were brought forth and then the participants visited the Emrooz Marketing Research Company (EMRC) and got acquainted with the latest qualitative and quantitative research methods implemented in the country.
In the second section, the participants were briefed about the implementation of one of the most successful campaigns in the country and visited Eshareh advertising company. In this part, they were familiarized with the company’s advertising performances and its digital concerns in detail. On the whole, this ODT program received considerable feedback from the participants.
The positive feedback was obtained from multiple contacts after the conclusion of the program by the participants who were willing to undergo their internship at the group.