Directing the Talents through Training
In the dnaunion Group, “human resources” is considered the most important belonging and capital; an asset for the attraction, progress, protection and preservation of which different plans have been compiled. The manpower, due to lack of information with this working domain, generally cannot enjoy high efficiency. We in dnaunion see training as a tool in line with recognition of the working atmosphere, promoting the level of capabilities as well as an opportunity for recognition of talents.
People can take measures for specific dnaunion training courses through different ways. Presence and cooperation in the ODT program is one way for receiving this plan. The applicants of the ODT program are generally from among those who find their professional future in the area of marketing. In this program, these people will get familiar with a general image of this domain and if they still see their interest in this area and also if they have the required conditions, they can attend the training course of the group. This program in a professional manner tries to guide individuals and assist them in becoming familiar with the professional path ahead as well as acquiring the required skills.
Volunteers for attending the program can fill in this form for their presence in this professional program. The number of training courses available in the group is very limited and efforts are being made to accept the qualified individuals for the training course after reviewing applicants’ conditions. The duration of the training course is one year which, given the working condition of the group, efforts will be made to organize it rotationally in the entire group. During the entire training course, the trainee takes advantage of the presence of a mentor and preparation of a report on the progress of the trainee and better guidance of the individual are among the main responsibilities of the mentor. After the end of the training course and with regard to the path taken and common view of the mentor and the trainee, measures will be taken for their absorption in a proper occupation.