Embracing a New World of Marketing in ODT Program
The digital world and the web do not recognize age: A world where people of all ages are active and become specialized — A world that also takes over the marketing and advertising industry and creates new events every day. In its latest ODT program, the dnaunion group dealt with this important topic and brought together enthusiasts and scholars in the field: Young enthusiasts who are eager to follow web and digital debates, and tend to connect it to the market space. So they needed to counter the marketing and advertising industry face-to-face. There was a need for the dnaunion group members to try to meet in the ODT program. People in this app differed from those in the previous programs. This time people from the age groups of 1990s and 2000s were present — People who spend their time on the web and many of them have become specialists. Therefore, the ODT program this timed was a combination of experience and knowledge.
Addressing the audience, Nasser Pashapour Nikoo, CEO of the dnaunion group of companies, said: “Marketing Tech and Ad Tech is a branch of the industry that is expanding day by day. For example, in 2011 nearly 150 companies were active in this field, and today more than 5000 companies in the world are engaged in the provision of services in this area. So a big business is expanding with the growing connectivity of the audience to the web and cyberspace. In such a space, the importance of producing a sound content becomes twofold: A frank and good content that will lead to more audience engagement with virtual platforms. As the number of the audience increases, the amount of data and information will also increase — Data that is extracted from shopping behavior and audience performance.
As a result, companies in the future will come up with a lot of data on the behavior of the audience and they will need to provide services in their own right. Such events will lead to the formation of DNAMarkting in the next ten years: An event in which there is no intension to design and publish a single advertisement for the entire audiences. In this case, the audiences are divided into different categories according to their features: Categories that need to be communicated in accordance with their needs and characteristics. In this case, too much data is added to quantitative and qualitative research methods. Ads will also be smart in the future, and will vary in terms of time intervals and advertising budgets: Budgets that will give the brands their desired result at the fastest time possible.
In addition, in the future, because of the powerful performance of Websites, there will be is no space called privacy and the space will be transparent. A space that you can no longer speak to the audience one way, and different media outlets will provide different ways of informing the audiences. Under these conditions, the advertising industry too will undergo numerous changes, and evaluation of the campaign’s effectiveness will reach its peak: An evaluation that will occur through the entry of marketing into digital space and programming. Advertising in such a space will be so smart that you must design advertisements and publish them in the media every minute. In this case, advertisements resemble live fish that should be displayed on the media every moment and if interruption occurs they would be eliminated. Therefore, market players need to update their digital knowledge to survive the marketing industry in the future.
The recent ODT program was composed of several sections: Sections that were held and produced interesting feedbacks for the organizers. For example, one of the participants, only 16 years old, wrote in the opinion survey paper, “Considering the time interval, the performers provided us with comprehensive and good information. An interesting part of this app was the analysis of billboards we had designed ourselves. This caused the application of the program and its difference. Overall, this program has changed my outlook about this industry and the web space: A space I am interested in.”
Another participant in the program said: “Before this program, I had a superficial view about digital marketing. I felt that digital marketing was limited to promoting advertising on the web. The information discussed in this event and the presentation of the research data changed my view about this field: A field that seems to have created a vast space of activity for the new generation.”
In conclusion it must be noted that the latest ODT program ended with many accomplishments for the participants and the performers: An end that is regarded a beginning for the audience.