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EMRC Cooperation with Saipa Group for Naming New Products

Product naming is one of the most complex marketing stages that brands have to spend time on. Market research companies greatly help the brands to successfully go through the naming process by adopting qualitative methods.

Emrooz Market Research Company (EMRC) has made significant gains in using the latest methods of qualitative research. One of the outputs of the company’s research department is the new product name of Saipa Roham with the SP100 platform.

Qualitative exploratory research method

The Qualitative Research Team of Emrooz Market Research Company has begun a qualitative research application at the request of the Saipa Automobile Company to find a suitable name for several of the company products. The research uses qualitative research techniques applied by global brands to name their products. The technique used in this research is “qualitative exploratory research method”. The way in which researchers extract the mental imagery of the audience about the product through dialogue and placing the audience in a creative space discover the nominal axes of the product. So the name of the new product of Saipa automobile manufacturer, Roham, is the output of the techniques used in qualitative research.