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Promoting Cooperation Spirit with happyunion Pantomime Duel

Fostering the spirit of cooperation and teamwork is the main target of the happyunion plans within the dnaunion group of companies. Initiation of friendship and effective communication between employees by using exciting memories and enjoyable experiences is more long-lasting and this is what the team projects need. In line with this task, the happyunion, with its creative initiatives rooted in culture, challenges the companies in the dnaunion group. happyunion is one of the dnauinon’s internal groups, which leads the grave function of fostering the spirit of cooperation and enthusiasm among the employees.


Promoting Cooperation Spirit with Nostalgic Creativity

happyunion people are not looking for strange and incredible processes. Nothing is expected to be dictated to the members of the dnaunion family. The dnaunion group of companies only needed a flip to manage a successful teamwork with a breathtaking competition. Accordingly, the priority of the happyunion is to revive nostalgia memories of its members and their childhood and adolescence experiences. Traditional games are part of the identity of the community members which are being ignored these days.  happyunion people believe that technology should not dry up the roots.

The childhood and adolescent group games are the sweet memories of the people which can be revived in an innovative way. Fostering the spirit of collaboration with the use of popular games of the past years was an innovative approach that brought with it fruitful and lasting results. This time, the pantomime was chosen as the core axis of the strategies of the teamwork of the members of the dnaunion group of companies.


Pantomime Duel of happyunion People

Two-member teams picked their words and stood in front of each other. The competition was serious but friendly. The teams were supposed to show their  power to each other through playing pantomime. This display of power was coupled with excitement and laughter of the audience. With the start of the game, the word conjecture also began. The strategy to foster the spirit of cooperation quickly gained momentum. The more the game was getting closer to its end the harder and harder the guesswork became and needed more team cooperation in order to give correct answers.



The winner team had to use more effective communication tricks. How many words is it? Is it a circle? An onion? A kite? And … these were the sentences exchanged between the team members with the movement of hands. They recorded memorable moments in a sincere and friendly environment. The founder of the idea of fostering the spirit of cooperation through playing pantomime, was the happyunion. The happyunion, it its latest program, had gathered members of the dnaunion family to hold the pantomime league. A league in which some were the participants and some the spectators. The spectators, with their relentless applause, added to the excitement of the participants. The excitement made the audience to put aside their mobile phones for a few hours and enjoy their presence in the gathering.

What Was the Outcome of the Teamwork?

The result of the game was neither important for the winners nor the losers. The aim was to promote the spirit of cooperation among the members which was realized. Both sides in this league worked for sympathy and compassion. There are different ways to achieve the sympathy and compassion. Pantomime is just one way of doing this. The game taught the participants that mutual understanding could be reached in the absence of verbal communication. Therefore, in teamwork the most important thing is knowing the team members: The true knowledge that would help each team to reach its intended purpose.
In the past, we had the sweet experience of flying kites in the happyunionand this time another exciting experience was underway. The pantomime game went down gradually with the sunset on an autumn day. A game that will come up with a new creative idea in the near future. We look forward to happyunion’s innovative plans to boost the spirit of cooperation in the near