Third Training Course on Proper Use of Retailers Monitoring Information
The high importance of market research as well as constant monitoring of competitors in the professional world of today has resulted both in a change of attitude of service providers in this field and made customers demand proper use of this information with added emphasis. The retail audit is one of the most important commodities of the service basket of the EMRC (Emrooz Marketing Research Co.). The importance of the right way of using of the retailers audit prompted EMRC to hold an international course, with the cooperation of AَAV School, for upgrading the level of knowledge of people in retail audit for the third times in the current year.
The news on holding the course in the months of Khordad and Shahrivar (May-June / August-September) as well as the perspective of Mr. Emami, Managing Director of EMRC about this training course has been expressed in detail.
The EMRC intends to make planning for applied training for its customers with regard to a compiled program. These training courses will result in upgrading the efficiency of the customer in using products and services of the company.
The feedback of the participants in the previous courses resulted in promotion of the quality of the course held in the month of Aban this year (October-November).