Bamilo Suppliers Honored in Big Event
Last year, the Bamilo brand created a lot of clamor by organizing the largest online store in the country, namely Friday Sale. The news was so widespread that attracted many customers to visit the Bamilo website to shop and benefit from the discounts. In the same vein, Bamilo launched a campaign called “Friday Sale”, which also received different feedbacks.
Taking into account its approach last year, the Bamilo brand this year organized an event, with the help of the DMN-A Brand Experience Agency from the dnaunion group of companies, to honor the suppliers of the largest online store sale. The event included diverse and interesting sections that were carried out with sound planning.
Head of the Vendor Acquisition of the Bamilo brand, Navid Mortazai, said: “Bamilo brand held an event recently in order to appreciate its suppliers. At the event, top managers from Bamilo provided information about the brand’s “Friday Sale” festival, which will be held in Azar (Nov. – Dec.) just like last year. The information will surely further motivate the suppliers to maintain a more enthusiastic presence in this year’s Bamilo brand festival. These suppliers had been selected to represent all marketplaces and invited to this event. Some of these suppliers were the ones who participated in last year’s festival and some others who will attend this year’s event.
Mortazai added that the event provided the participants with a comprehensive overview of the innovations and new approaches of the Bamilo brand. Moreover, it provided the suppliers with information within an educational framework to have a better and more active presence at the festival this year.
In conclusion, I must say that the welcome accorded to the event was very good given the feedbacks received from the participants. “We will see the positive outcomes of this welcome in this year’s festival.”