IRIB Lowers Rates for TV Commercials in 2017/2018
Insurance companies have separated from the group of banks concerning tariffs and conditions of admission and broadcast of commercial advertisements on the Islamic Republic of Iran Broadcasting (IRIB). This would apparently cause absorption of higher participation in the IRIB. Discounts considered for different market groups have increased in the calendar year 1396 (2017/2018) as compared to the previous year and this important point will blow a fresh spirit into the television commercials.
After the IRIB became the custodian as the center of admission and broadcast of radio and television commercials, this organization each year by offering tariffs as well as admission and broadcast conditions, tried to create an equal atmosphere for all the businesses. This year new tariffs and conditions for the presence of businesses and further encouragement of them in the TV media have been compiled and presented. Different sections and discounts have been added to this year’s tariffs the exact survey of which by the advertising agencies as promotional consultants of the businesses would be very interesting. For example, in this year’s tariffs, a new topic under the title of ‘advertisement engineering’ has been raised.
The IRIB, in line with support of the topic and content of some of the TV advertisements has offered proposals within the framework of extra free broadcast secondwise. This proposal has taken place mainly within the framework of an article for the promotion of engineering level of the message in the commercials.
Sarvenaz Sur-Esrafil, Media Manager of Magnolia Company, pointing to the general approach of the IRIB regarding tariffs and admission standards and broadcast of the commercials in the calendar year 1396 (2017/2018), says: “Tariffs and admission standards and broadcast of the commercials in 1396 has taken a positive approach but in my opinion we cannot express a definite idea about it and we should wait for the broadcast of different classes of businesses. The reason is that such an event would entail an increase in costs.
“This year’s tariffs have been different from the past year in terms of the contract style. Last year, three types of contracts were considered and companies by studying them could guarantee more discounts for their customers but this year there is only one contract which has been offered in a normal way and this has somehow created limitations for the advertisement companies. Meanwhile, in the new tariffs the business groups have also changed and have been divided into the banks, operators and other areas of business. The date of signing the contract and consequently receiving the discounts is among cases that are different from the past year. Discounts for industries have been increased. These discounts have been made while there has been no change in the price of classes. Of course in this year’s tariffs good foreign brands are subject to discounts, which is interesting and would result in their further participation.”
Sur-Esrafil added: “In this year’s tariffs a topic has been mentioned under the title of “advertisement engineering” which I believe would not be welcomed by all the brands. The reason is that the majority of them are demanding advertisement of their products and have no such enthusiasm in culture building. In this regard, the IRIB is trying to compile messages with the approach of culture building by different brands. However, this year’s tariff is encouraging for the renewed presence of the brands in TV advertisements and definitely many of the advertisement companies will encourage their customers for presence in this media outlet. However, according to the research made the TV still attracts 96% of the audience and this high percentage is an attractive impetus for advertisement activity in this media.”