Magnolia: A Year of Elevation
By putting hope in the New Year, opportunities can be seen that others are unaware of: The hope that is also manifested in the message of Bank Mellat campaign: A campaign which was faced with different feedbacks for its slogan themed “It Is the Year of Elevation”. Nowruz campaign of Bank Mellat has been designed and implemented by the Magnolia Advertising Agency. We interviewed the Creativity and Implementation Team of the campaign; Negar Sarkhosh, the Creativity and Copy write Manager; Hussein Shishegar, the Art Manager; Maryam Ayyubi, the Project Manager; and Mina Abedi, Media Project Manager on the Nowruz campaign of Bank Mellat.
In this campaign, no greeting message for Nowruz has been sent to the audience; could you please explain the strategy for designing such a message?
Sarkhosh: The “greeting” message contains good wishes; you would wish what you cannot afford yourself for another person. In the process of discovering the appropriate strategy and ideation, we reached the conclusion that Bank Mellat, as one of the influential economic institutions in a year which seems challenging, could choose a powerful, encouraging, and decisive message rather than just a “wish” for its Nowruz campaign.
Shishegar: With regard to the strategy and the type of outlook we considered for the message, we began to visualize it and finally, due to the figurative similarity of number ۸ (8 in Persian) in calendar year (۱۳۹۸) as the sign of soaring and its contradiction with the inverted direction of number ۷ (7) (۱۳۹) we used the lift key which is a sign of speedy soaring and used the “similarity” technique in order to have an outstanding image with the minimalist approach of the Bank Mellat in the past and simplify the message for the audience and provide a better understanding of the concept for it.
What type of media has been used for the release of the message and would you please explain the reason for the choice?
Abedi: One of the reasons why Magnolia Agency was chosen to be present in the Nowruz campaign of Bank Mellat which was expected to be a 360-degree campaign for the first time, was the Agency’s background and experience in the field of designing and implementing such campaigns which was announced in the first briefing session in order to get an idea of the level of expectation of the customer.
Based on the customer’s request, the design of a campaign by using all the ATL, BTL, and TTl media as well as the new media, was put on the agenda and a campaign was designed that included TV advertisement and advertising logo, radio ads, peripheral media, Gorilla and Flash Mob, a massive and targeted campaign for digital media and use of new media that could attract the full satisfaction of the customer and decisively become the winner of the page. Eventually, due to the changes that happened in the Bank Mellat team which caused the loss of time for pre-production, unfortunately, parts of the campaign did not reach the implementation stage, however, what was implemented was somehow the first Bank Mellat experience in the field of using the media except the ATL.
Has a specific audience been considered for this campaign?
Ayyubi: No; this campaign did not have a specific audience and one of the features of the campaign was designing a message that would connect with all people.
Could you please explain the message and the slogan of this campaign?
Sarkhosh: With a glance at the history of this region of the world, what catch the eye are the great events and effective positive happenings in the fate of the nations which have not usually occurred in a safe and peaceful environment. We were looking for a message and a slogan that, at the same time of being realistic about the present condition, could establish a relationship with the audience that is our intent. With a glance at the bank’s inherent duty which is maintaining and expanding the assets of the customer, we saw that at present our most important national capital is “hope”; therefore our message should also be a promising message. To this end, by reaching to the key visual and discovering the figure of number ۸ which shows the above direction, we designed a slogan that is similar to a fairy tale of Nowruz, which gives a good news of the future, and in continuation and with the spread in different media, invites the audience that under hard condition raise the level of his/her expectations and have no target other than realizing that “great task”.
The sweetness of designing such a campaign for us was in that both we and the customer believed in what we said. We are thankful of Mellat Bank that provided an opportunity for this message to be released and by remembering Touran Mir-Hadi and her brilliant remark we hope that this year will be a year for “converting great sorrows to great tasks.”
The Nowruz campaign of Bank Mellat received many feedbacks by the audience and was repeatedly released in the social networks. Also, the honorable executives of Bank Mellat have announced their satisfaction and positive opinion regarding the results of the campaign. It should be noted that the Commercial Department of the IRIB has appreciated the campaign.